Pre emlpoyment verification

Pre Employment Verification has achieved a position of eminence with organizations across the world. Judging from the high level of confidence, these organizations are now able to repose in the performance potential of their human resources.
According to a survey 60% of the applicant make false CV. Diligence is most important if you are picking the right candidate because they are the backbone of any company. Without Pre Employment Verification is like recruiting a bad employee and can cause you thousand of rupees, risk of theft and even fraud to the company and you also loose productivity.

Benefits to your company

Our clients are realizing that the cost of thoroughly investigating a potential employee before hiring can be minimal compared to the expense involved in recruiting, re-hiring and re-training. To protect your company’s valued employees/reputation, use our pre-employment screening service to make an informed decision in selecting the best candidate for the job the “first” time.

An ideal background screening for Pre Employment Verification cover:

  • Residence Verification
  • Criminal / Police Verification
  • Employment Verification
  • Qualification Verification
  • Reference Verification

We are one of the best corporate detective agency in vadodara gujarat and we promise for our administrations identifying with connections. The charges that we charge are less when contrasted with the exceptional administrations that we give. We work day and night to assemble all data for our customers.

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